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629 total results found

Spider Bites

Environmental Emergencies Bites/Stings

What is it? A bite from any spider. Most spider bites cause only minor injury but there are a few spider species that can be dangerous. Plan of Action: Seek medical care immediately if: You were bitten by a dangerous spider, such as a black widow or a...

Spinal Injury

Injury Emergencies Head, Neck, and Spine Injuries

What is it? An injury to the spine. Signs/Symptoms: Assume a person has a spinal injury if: There's evidence of a head injury with an ongoing change in the person's level of consciousness The person complains of severe pain in his or her neck or b...


Injury Emergencies Bone and Joint Injuries

What is it? An injury to a ligament caused by tearing of the fibers of the ligament. The ligament can have a partial tear, or it can be completely torn apart. Ankle sprains are the most common type of sprain. Wrist, knee and thumb sprains are also common. Sp...


Medical Emergencies

What is it? Occurs when there's bleeding into the brain or when blood flow to the brain is blocked.  When brain cells are deprived of essential nutrients, they start dying within minutes. Seek immediate medical help. A stroke is a true emergency. The sooner...


Environmental Emergencies Heat-Related Emergencies

What is it? To burn or discolor from the sun. Symptoms: The affected skin will be: Painful Inflamed Hot to the touch Blisters might develop You may also experience headache, fever or nausea Plan of Action: Seek immediate medic...

Tick Bites

Environmental Emergencies Bites/Stings

What is it? A bite from a tick. Most tick bites are painless and cause only minor signs and symptoms, such as a change in skin color, swelling or a sore on the skin. But some ticks transmit bacteria that cause illnesses, including Lyme disease, and Rocky Mo...

Tooth Loss

Injury Emergencies Mouth Injuries

Plan of Action: It's sometimes possible to successfully implant permanent teeth that have been knocked out, but only if you follow the steps below immediately — before you see a dentist. Handle your tooth by the top or crown only — don't touch the roots....

Building Plan/Fire Exits

Corporate Office - Safety Planning

General Flyer

Employee Assistance Program

First Aid Training

Construction Training

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March 2023


March 2023


Environmental Emergencies Heat-Related Emergencies

What is it? When the body loses too much water or fluids. What causes it? Heat exposure Too much exercise Vomiting Diarrhea Decreased fluid intake Signs/Symptoms: Weakness Thirst or dry mouth Dizziness Confus...


Injury Emergencies Skin Injuries

What is it? Tissue damage from hot liquids, the sun, flames, chemicals, electricity, steam and other causes.  Plan of Action: Minor Burns Cool the burn. Hold the area under cool (not cold) running water for about 10 minutes. If the burn is on the face,...


Injury Emergencies Electrical Injuries

What is it? Tissue damage from hot liquids, the sun, flames, chemicals, electricity, steam and other causes.  Plan of Action: Minor Burns Cool the burn. Hold the area under cool (not cold) running water for about 10 minutes. If the burn is on the face,...


Environmental Emergencies Bites/Stings

What is it? A life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) can cause shock, a sudden drop in blood pressure and trouble breathing. In people who have an allergy, anaphylaxis can occur minutes after exposure to a specific allergy-causing substance (allerge...

Breathing Problems/Asthma

Medical Emergencies

What is it? Mild or severe blockage of the air passages for many different reasons. One possible cause for breathing problems is asthma, a disease of the air passages. One possible cause of breathing problems is asthma, a disease of the air passages. A perso...

Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack

Medical Emergencies Heart Related Emergencies

Heart attacks and cardiac arrest are not the same thing. Heart Attack: Occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked by a clot. The longer the person with a heart attack goes without treatment, the greater the damage to the heart mus...

Diabetes and Low Blood Sugar

Medical Emergencies

What is it? A disease that affects the levels of sugar in the blood. Too much sugar or too little sugar causes problems. Some people with diabetes take medication, such as insulin, to maintain their sugar levels. Low blood sugar can occur if someone with dia...


Medical Emergencies

What is it? Abnormal electrical activity in the brain. What causes it? Epilepsy Head injuries Low blood sugar Heat-related injuries Poisoning Cardiac Arrest Signs/Symptoms: Seizure symptoms may differ from person to person...