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2024-09-09 TBT National Construction Suicide Stand-down

Monday Sept 9th is a day for recognition to honor all those lives lost to suicide and show your commitment to getting every person home and back to the jobsite healthy every day.



Whether you know someone who is battling with thoughts of self-harm or not, active listening is a skill you can turn into a habit so those around you feel confident that what they tell you is heard and valued. Active listening is more than just hearing someone speak; it requires attention, concentration and listening with your senses.



In 2020, suicide was among the top nine leading causes of death for people ages 10 to 64.– According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the suicide rate is greater than the general population for those employed in the construction industry.– Psychology research highlights how positive social interactions increase our personal well-being and provide greater life satisfaction.



Active listening helps build trust and empathy between people. By seeking to understand and empathize rather than reply or solve, the other person can feel inspired to heal from their own mental health challenges. Active listening is an effective way to provide emotional support and validation.



Minimize distractions. Not only is it important to put down your phone when actively listening, it is also important to quiet your inner dialogue — an intangible distraction.– Reflect what you hear. Without interrupting to give advice or finish someone’s sentences, paraphrase what they have told you. For example, saying “I’m hearing that you’re having a hard time with this situation,” is a way to reflect on what you have heard and provide validation.– Focus on nonverbal communication. Nod and make eye contact to show that you care when someone opens up to you. Your body language should indicate that you are not passing judgment, and they can speak freely.


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