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Toolbox Talk - 5.01.2023 - Fall Protection Harnesses

Fall Protection Harnesses Toolbox Talk


            Falls are the leading cause of death in construction. Almost every workday, somewhere in the United States, a construction worker dies as a result of a fall.


When am I at risk?


If you are working more than 6 feet above the lower working surface and not protected by some form of fall protection; such as guardrails, safety nets, or fall arrest system.


What does a Personal Fall Arrest System consist of?  

·         Fall protection harness     

·         Lanyard

·         Anchor point


You are not safe from a fall unless you tie off.



To stop a fatal fall…



1.     Wear a full body harness.

A proper fall protection harness has straps worn around the trunk and thighs. If you fall, it will distribute “stopping force across your thighs, pelvis, chest, and shoulders to prevent severe injury.


2.    Inspect your harness.

It must be worn properly and be in good condition.

·         Check for worn or damaged straps, buckles, D-ring, and lines.

·         Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when you put on your harness.

·         Make sure all straps are fastened and adjusted correctly.

·         Don’t start work until you are satisfied with the condition and fit of your fall protection harness.

3.    Make sure you are connected.

Your lanyard should be attached to the D-ring on your fall arrest harness, then anchored securely to an anchor point. Ask your supervisor if your anchor point can sustain the load without failure.


Guardrails are not anchor points.