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Internal Bleeding

What is it?

Bleeding inside the body.
When bleeding occurs inside the body, you may be able to see a bruise under the skin.
You should suspect internal bleeding if someone:
  • Was injured in a car crash or was hit by a car
  • Fell from a height
  • Was injured in the abdomen or chest (including bruises such as seat belt marks)
  • Was injured in a sporting event, such as slamming into other people or being hit with a ball
  • Has pain in the abdomen or chest after an injury
  • Has shortness of breath after an injury
  • Is coughing up or vomiting blood after an injury
  • Shows signs of shock without external bleeding
  • Was stabbed or shot

Plan of Action:

  • Call 911, and get a first aid kit and AED
  • If the person is responsive, have them lie down and keep still while you treat any external injuries
  • Check for signs of shock and provide first aid as needed
  • Be prepared to provide CPR if they become unresponsive and stops breathing normally