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What should be in your first aid kit?

OSHA Requires each first aid kit should contain at least the following:

  • Gauze pads (at least 4 X 4 inches)
  • Two large gauze pads (at least 8 X 10 inches)
  • Box of adhesive bandages (band-aids)
  • One package gauze roller bandage (at least 2 inches wide)
  • Two triangular bandages
  • Would cleaning agent such as sealed moistened towelettes
  • Scissors
  • At least one blanket
  • Tweezers
  • Adhesive tape
  • Latex gloves
  • Resuscitation equipment such as resuscitation bag, airway, or pocket mask
  • Two elastic wraps
  • Splint
  • Directions for requesting emergency assistance