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Drug and Alcohol Policy


All S.C. Swiderski Construction, LLC jobsites are illegal drug and alcohol-free work environments. This includes the use of illegal drugs or alcohol prior to entering the jobsite or the use of illegal drugs or alcohol while on the jobsite.

  • 1.       “Illegal Drugs” are defined as any substance deemed to be illegal in the State of Wisconsin and/or illegal as defined by the Drug Enforcement Administration, including but not limited to marijuana, heroin, cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, crystal methamphetamine, and PCP. 
  • 2.      “Controlled Substances” are defined as any over the counter or prescription medications which may impair or inhibit the user’s cognitive/motor functions and/or abilities. Examples of Controlled Substances may include but are not limited to opioid pain relievers, sedatives, and muscle relaxers.
  • 3.      “Alcohol” is defined as any beverage containing ethanol or ethyl alcohol, which may cause drunkenness. Examples of Alcohol include, but are not limited to beer, wine, liquor, and other spirits. 
  • 4.     “Tobacco” is defined as a legal substance made from the tobacco plant that is used for chewing or smoking. Examples of tobacco products include, but may not be limited to cigarettes, pipes, cigars, snuff and chewing tobacco.        

Any Contractor, Subcontractor or Supplier proven to be, or reasonably suspected to be under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol or controlled substances that may cause cognitive/motor impairment shall not be permitted to perform work, operate machinery, enter, or remain on S.C. Swiderski Construction, LLC property.  

Violation of this policy may result in Contract Termination(s) and barring from future work with S.C. Swiderski Construction, LLC. 

S.C. Swiderski Construction, LLC reserves the right to report illegal drug or alcohol use to law enforcement.

Tobacco use may be permitted on S.C. Swiderski Construction, LLC jobsites, pending users adhere to the following:

1.       Smoking must take place outside of the building envelope. Smoke breaks must not interfere with the Project Schedule or work performance. Smoking inside S.C. Swiderski Construction buildings is not permitted. 

2       When smoking or using tobacco products, all cigarette butts and/or other traces of litter, because of tobacco use, must be disposed of in dumpsters or outdoor waste receptacles. Cigarettes must be completely extinguished prior to disposal. Do not dispose of cigarette butts in any location where flammable liquids or materials are stored or discarded.