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April 15th TBT

Spring Fever Safety TBT 4-15-2024

The recent positive change in the weather has injected “spring fever” into many of us. While we all start to feel more energetic and eager to get out and about, we must also be aware of the extra activity around us.

Springtime safety factors include:

·         Change of season adjustment

·         More activity happening in our surroundings

o   Easy to be distracted


o   April is also “Distracted Driving Awareness Month”

·         Longer days are usually more fatiguing

·         Home and recreational projects take more of our energy

Warmer weather safety reminders:

·         Stay hydrated, even though its not extremely hot, hydration lessens fatigue, helps to prevent colds and reduces allergies

·         Be careful not to overeat at lunch time to avoid the “post lunch dip” where you become sleepy in the afternoon

·         Dress for success!  Wear breathable clothes and other garments to help with comfort. (under your HI-VIS of course!)

·         Balance your diet – avoid greasy foods and junk foods

Fatigue Management

·         Be aware that prolonged sleep deprivation can cause micro-bursts of fatigue during waking or working hours

·         Try to stay on a fixed sleep / wake schedule.  Don’t try to “catch-up” on your sleep. It never works!

·         Find a quiet place to sleep, avoid interruptions like phones and TVs or other electronic devices

Defensive Driving Reminders

·         Keep looking well ahead, now what you’re coming up to

·         Pay attention to your surroundings

·         Stay off your phone! Use a hands-free device if its necessary to talk, otherwise PULL OVER and take the call.

·         Use your running lights, especially in foggy or low light conditions

·         Watch out for motorcycles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Warmer weather brings out more activities


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