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Toolbox Talk - 4.17.2023 - Fire Prevention Toolbox Talk

Fire Prevention Toolbox Talk

            On the jobsite, fire safety is everyone’s job and prevention is our first line of defense. All potential sources of ignition should be evaluated, and the necessary corrective measures taken. By identifying fire hazards, you can help stop fires before they start.


For a fire to take place, there needs to be oxygen, a medium to burn (such as wood, paper, etc.), and a heat source.

Situations that can lead to a fire:



·         Faulty electrical equipment

·         Malfunctioning combustible engine

·         Open flame

·         Cigarettes

 Overheated wiring and equipment

Hot work (welding, cutting, grinding)

Temporary heating


To ensure a safe jobsite:


·         Keep your site clean and free from accumulation of unnecessary combustible materials.

·         Do not store combustible materials within 10’ of a building.

·         All internal combustion equipment should be shut down prior to refueling.

·         Only approved containers and portable tanks should be used for the storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids.

·         Compressed gas cylinders must be stored in a rack or secured in an upright position.


As much as 80 percent of fire related deaths are caused by smoke inhalation. The remaining percentage are due to burns and other injuries that result from direct contact with flames.