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Toolbox Talk - 4.07.2023 - Safety Violation Form

Safety Violation Form


Violator’s Name: _______________________________________________  Date: _________________________


Site Superintendent: _______________________________   Jobsite: _____________________   Time: ______________


Incident Information


Safety Infraction: ____________________________________________Seriousness Scale:      1       2       3       4       5


Violation Description (Who? What? Where? Why?):




Witness Statement (if applicable)




Previous Offenses of Same or Similar:


     1st Offense                              Previous Offense Date: __________________

     2nd Offense                            Previous Offense Date: __________________

     3rd Offense                                                                                                      


Penalty Recommendations:


     Verbal Coaching (no employee signature needed)                Verbal Warning              Written Warning       

     _______ Days Suspension (must be reviewed by HR)               Termination (must be reviewed by HR)

Formal company progressive disciplinary forms required with HR approval. 


Corrective Training Required:         Yes          No   

The following immediate and sustained corrective action must be taken by the employee to improved needed conduct. Failure to do so will result in further disciplinary action up to and including termination.



A copy of this written warning will be placed in your official personnel file. This conversation is confidential.


Employee Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ________________


Supervisor Signature: ____________________________________________________________Date: _________________


Safety Specialist Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________


Human Resources (Reviewed by): ________________________________________________Date: ________________