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Employee Compliance Program Toolbox Talk - 4.07.2023

Employee Compliance Program Toolbox Talk


The Employee Compliance Program has been designed to encourage individuals to improve their performance and align them with S.C. Swiderski’s safety culture. If an employee engages in unacceptable performance or conduct, then disciplinary action may be required. In order to maintain a safe and healthy workplace, employees must be cognizant and aware of all company, state, and federal health and safety regulations, as they apply to their job-specific duties. 


The following corrective action plan is in effect immediately. It will be applied to health and safety violations unless the seriousness of the violation dictates skipping or repeating certain steps.  After 9 months have passed since their previous infraction, the employee will have one corrective action dismissed as it pertains to the corrective action plan. All violations will be documented in Paylocity for recordkeeping.  


If an employee knowingly and willingly violates safety rules or procedures, puts themselves or others in imminent danger, or violates company policy, the employee may be discharged immediately.


Safety Violation Progressive Discipline: (SCS Safety Violation Form)

  1.  Verbal Coaching Conversation Anyone
  2. Verbal Warning (documented in employee fie) Direct Report
  3. Written Warning Direct Report
  4. Unpaid suspension (length determined by management) Human Resources, Safety Specialist, Direct Report, Director of Construction, Senior superintendent, Framing Foreman 
  5.  Termination Human Resources, Safety Specialist, Direct Report, Director of Construction, Senior superintendent, Framing Foreman   


EXAMPLES OF VIOLATIONS (not conclusive list):

·         Not wearing PPE: Hard Hat, High Vis

·         Not reading Toolbox Talks

·         Operating equipment without training

·         Not reporting injuries/incidents

·         Not using fall protection were needed

·         Creating or knowingly exposing other to safety hazard

·         Walking under suspended loads



*Failure to report injury/incidents will be subject to further progressive disciplinary action up to and including termination. All accidents and injuries must be verbally reported immediately, and documentation submitted no later than 24 hours. Please note further accident reporting procedures in the Employee Handbook and Safety Portal.